The Benefits of Taking Technology Breaks

The Benefits of Taking Technology Breaks

Improved Sleep

Less technology use can positively alter your mood. Doing this minimizes headaches, eye-strain, physical strain, and increases productivity. Technology can impact the way our brains process certain information and lessens our ability to focus. It is best to go outside and take a walk when in need of a break because staring at a screen can take a huge toll on your physical health. 

Your body deserves a good night's sleep, so let yourself have it!

Increased Productivity

Find time in your day to meet up with people and get some social interaction to make up for all of that screen time. Nowadays people are so reliant on technology when it comes to communicating with each other. And human-to-human interaction is on a decline because of technology. Instead of constant texting back and forth, make more of an effort to see people in person.

Deeper Connections

Find time in your day to meet up with people and get some social interaction to make up for all of that screen time. Nowadays people are so reliant on technology when it comes to communicating with each other. And human-to-human interaction is on a decline because of technology. Instead of constant texting back and forth, make more of an effort to see people in person.

Less Stress and Anxiety

Technology breaks allow you to refocus when returning to your computer. We get stimulated from messages and notifications so stepping away from your phone entirely will help your brain relax.

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