Gratitude is the expression of thankfulness for all that one receives.
It's that time of the year again. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season and with it a time of gratitude and expressing thanks. Each year we come together with family and friends to show our thanks and share a delicious meal. Often enough, we forget to be thankful for our health and the health of our families and friends.
This year at O2 Living we're focusing our gratitude towards our health. We're giving thanks to our bodies with some healthy treats. If you'd like to join us, here are some small healthy tips to show your body you are thankful for all that it does:
- Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water - alkalize the body!
- Try your best to rid caffeine from your daily routine (or lower your daily intake!) - switch out your coffee with an herbal tea.
- Chew, chew, chew! This aids in proper nutrient absorption and digestion. It can also help slow down eating, leading to less calories consumed.
- Go raw or go home - not really, but try your best to incorporate raw/enzymatically live foods into your diet.
- Incorporate colorful fruits and veggies into your diet - not only are they pretty, but they taste great and can provide a variety of health benefits for you!
- Eat and buy organic & local whenever possible - this is not only beneficial for your body, but also a way to show thanks to your community!
- Eat mindfully and with moderation - this will help prevent you from overloading at meal time!
- Be sure to balance your diet while enjoying the foods you eat!