Hydrating Fruits & Veggies for a Heat Wave

Summer is here...and it's hot! 

Girl in summer eating oranges - O2 Living blog by makers of organic cold pressed Living JuiceWith temperatures rising and a heat wave upon a large portion of the country, we at Living Juice want to make sure everyone is staying hydrated, cool and healthy! In addition to getting more than your regular intake of water, you may want to eat these delicious and hydrating fruits and vegetables. The bonus to these fruits and veggies - you don't have to cook them! Eating these raw, organic fruits and vegetables can keep you hydrated and save you the heat from the oven.

Hydrating Fruits & Veggies 

  1. Watermelon 
  2. Strawberries 
  3. Peaches 
  4. Celery 
  5. Tomatoes 
  6. Cauliflower 
  7. Cantaloupe
  8. Cucumber
  9. Oranges 
  10. Lettuce (ice berg, kale, you name it!) 
  11. Grapefruit 
  12. Zucchini 
  13. Bell peppers 
  14. Cabbage 
  15. Radishes 
  16. Broccoli 
  17. Star fruit
  18. Pineapple

O2 Living blog - organic watermelon - by makers of organic cold-pressed Living Juice Mix together some fruits for a sweet and hydrating breakfast fruit salad. Crunch on some veggies with a side of hummus or salsa for a hydrating snack. Or, explore Living Juice's organic, vegan recipes! We have a long list of refreshing, vegan dishes that will keep you cool and hydrated throughout this heat wave. If you prefer to drink your fruits and veggies, try organic, cold-pressed Living Juices! Living Juice's Pineapple Punch (with hydrating pineapple and kale) and Carrot Kick (with hydrating oranges) are sure to quench your thirst and keep you hydrated while providing you with nutrients, vitamins and minerals! 


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