Living Juice Ingredient Spotlight: Limes

Living Juice Ingredient Spotlight: Limes

Limes arranged in flower

In this Living Juice Ingredient spotlight, we’re featuring our favorite little green citrus fruit – the lime! Limes, the green cousin of lemon, are deliciously tart and slightly more bitter than lemons. They’re perfect for adding a bit of acidity to food and drinks, and we love the bright lime flavor in our newest juice - Watermelon Lime Mint!

Properties of Limes

Lime is a citrus fruit, like lemons, oranges and grapefruit, and is a great source of antioxidants. Antixodiants help to prevent or stop damage to cells within the body.

Limes are also a great source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, such as:

  • Potassium
  • Vitamins A, B, C, and D
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium

Health Benefits

Given these vitamins, minerals and nutrients, limes can help boost the health of the following:

Skin, Hair and Nails: 

Vitamin C and flavonoids found in limes help to strengthen collagen in the skin, which is a protein essential for strong and healthy skin, hair and nails.


The acidity in limes can aid in breaking down food for improved digestion. Also, the flavonoids in limes can add in the digestive process. Consuming limes and other acidic fruits may be helpful for constipation.


Citric acids are known to boost metabolism, which is why lemon water is a common morning drink. But, you can get the same benefits from a glass of lime water!

Heart Health:

Potassium and magnesium both promote heart health, and can both be found in limes. Consuming limes may help to improve your overall heart health through lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol, although further research is necessary on the exact ways in which limes provide these benefits.

Enjoy More Limes Today!

Watermelon lime mint Living Juice - by O2 Living organic cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices

Limes can be added to your daily diet in numerous ways. You can start your day off with a glass of lime water, and you can squeeze lime juice over meals to add a splash of acidity! Our favorite way to enjoy limes is in our newest juice – watermelon lime mint! It’s hydrating, refreshing and delicious – the perfect just for summer. Try some today!


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