Did you hear about the $400 juicer that connects to the Internet and squeezes packets of pre-cut fruits and vegetables into juice? Except it turns out you can get virtually the same results, and faster, by using just your hands?
2016 Silicon Valley startup Juicero Inc. found itself the butt of jokes after Bloomberg reported on the device (“Real problem #juicero solves is compensation for weak hand muscles because you’re a vegan,” tweeted one funster). CEO Jeff Dunn defended the product, rightly pointing to the fact that it makes it easier for busy people to add fruits and vegetables to their diets. (He also extended the company’s “happiness guarantee” by 30 days for people who wanted refunds.)
Dunn is right – research says most people don’t eat enough organic fruits and vegetables. Ideally we’d go the farmer’s market thrice weekly, load up on organic kale and strawberries and carrots and such, chop them up at home and eat them before they went bad. But that’s just not realistic for many.
Neither is paying $400 for a machine that squeezes $7 packets for an 8 oz. serving.
To compare, a case of 6 bottles of 12 oz. Living Juice bottles is $48.00. And as far as making healthy eating easier, I’d rather reach in my refrigerator than find space for another device on my kitchen counter.
But that’s me. Living Juice had me at the 3-day cleanse.
There’s no wrong way to consume the fresh fruits and veggies every day that provide valuable nutrients and reduce the risk of chronic disease, stroke and cancer, among other things. And kudos to anyone who tries to coax us into getting it done.
But personally, I’ll stick to my Carrot Kick.
Photo Credit: Bloomberg